A bouquet of 99 roses consists of pink roses arranged as a heart shape in the middle and surrounded by red roses accent with white gypsophila flowers. Wrapped in pink paper and pink bow as well. This bouquet is perfect for surprise proposal because of the heart symbol. Or send as a birthday gift! Th..
99 pink roses bouquet accent with leaves. Wrapped in pink paper and tied with pink ribbon. The color of roses and materials used can be changed, please inform the staff when ordering or e-mail.
Occasionally, substitutions may be necessary to create your bouquet due to the availability of certain ..
A bouquet of 99 red & pink roses arrange in a round shape with red roses in the middle and surround by pink roses. Wrapped with white paper and white mesh and tied with ribbon. The color of roses can be changed according to customer requirements.
Occasionally, substitutions may be necessary t..
A bouquet of 99 red roses arrange in heart-shaped accent with white gypsophila flowers. Adorned with a white bow on the bouquet. Bouquets wrapped with white paper and white mesh on the outside and tied with red ribbon. You can choose the color of the roses.
Occasionally, substitutions may be nece..
A bouquet of 99 red roses arrange in round shape wrapped with red mesh and a red bow. The color of the roses and wrapping materials can be changed by notifying the staffs when ordering or by e-mail.
Occasionally, substitutions may be necessary to create your bouquet due to the availability of cer..
99 mixed roses bouquet consist of red, white, pink, yellow, purple and orange arrange in round shape. Wrapped with green paper. Adorned with a bow tie made of vines and roses. Rose colors and materials used in the bouquet can be changed.
Occasionally, substitutions may be necessary to create your..
A bouquet of 99 white roses wrapped in green paper and white mesh and tied with white ribbon. * You can change the color of the roses and materials used on this bouquet. Please mention your needs when ordering or by e-mail us immediately after ordering flowers.
Occasionally, substitutions may be ..
99 white roses bouquet wrapped in white paper and brown paper. You can choose color of the roses.
Occasionally, substitutions may be necessary to create your bouquet due to the availability of certain flowers in various parts of the country. Substitutions may be necessary to ensure your arrangeme..
A bouquet of 99 yellow roses arrange in round shape accent with white gypsophila. Wrapped with yellow and white paper and tied with ribbon. A bouquet of yellow roses is ideal gift for a friend, to congratulate occasions such as birthdays, graduation, promotion etc.
Occasionally, substitutio..
A bouquet of 99 pink roses accent with leaves. Wrapped with a white paper inside and wrapped pink crazy outside tied with pink ribbon. This sweet bouquet is perfect for sending to your loved one in various occasions such as birthday, wedding anniversary or graduation.
Occasionally, substitutions ..