A vase of 42 assorted roses. This colorful bouquet is perfect for sending as 42nd birthday gift or wedding anniversary gift. This will help you to brighten someone's day! * The color of roses can be changed as you want. Please inform the staffs.
Occasionally, substitutions may be necessary to..
A bouquet of 42 roses consist of 41 white roses and 1 red roses in the middle accent with white gypsophila flowers. Wrapped in white paper and then wrap the outside with red mesh and tied with white ribbon. This bouquet is perfect for an anniversary gift to show your love or send as a birthday gift...
Bouquet of 42 roses, 41 red roses and 1 white rose in the middle. Wrapped in paper and tied with ribbon. You can choose the color of the roses.
Occasionally, substitutions may be necessary to create your bouquet due to the availability of certain flowers in various parts of the country. Substitut..