A vase of 21 roses including red roses and white roses accent with white gypsophila flowers, ferns and vines. This vase is perfect for giving as a gift on 21th birthday or send as a gift for the anniversary. * The color of roses can be changed.
Occasionally, substitutions may be necessary to create your bouquet due to the availability of certain flowers in various parts of the country. Substitutions may be necessary to ensure your arrangement or specialty gift is delivered in a timely manner. Care is taken to maintain the style, theme and color scheme of the arrangement to ensure that it is as similar as possible to the requested item, using flowers of equal or greater value. If the floral container shown online is not available, a similar container will be used. Specialty gifts may be substituted with another specialty gift of equal or greater value and of similar theme and category.
When you're young, you have no choice.
Do this or do that.
No rest for the kid.
When all you want to do is play and have fun.
Ride your bike, skate and have the freedom to run and play.
Without worrying about who, what, when and why.
Then you will grow from a young girl to a women before you even know it.
Life lessons you to learn as you grow.
There is room for mistakes and there is enough time to show what you know.
Just be patient, because things are about to go on your way.
Have fun with your time and 21th happy birthday!