A bouquet of 100 pink roses accent with white gypsophila flowers around the bouquet. Wrapped in pink lamy and pink bow. The color of roses and materials can be changed. Please inform the staff when ordering or e-mail us.
Occasionally, substitutions may be necessary to create your bouquet due to t..
A bouquet of 100 red roses accent with white gypsophila flowers. Wrapped in pink and white paper and tied with ribbon. The color of roses and paper can be changed as you wish.
Occasionally, substitutions may be necessary to create your bouquet due to the availability of certain flowers in various..
100 white roses in a basket with eucalyptus leaves tied with dark brown ribbon. The color of the roses and ribbon can be changed to any color that you like.
Occasionally, substitutions may be necessary to create your bouquet due to the availability of certain flowers in various parts of the count..